"My goal is to write unputdownable novels that keep you up all night..."
Hi, my name is Natalie Debrabandere. I write Lesbian Fiction, stories of strong women who encounter challenging life events and always come through the other side with the help and love of another woman.
I write in multiple genres: contemporary fiction, romance, science-fiction, cop stories, adventure, and erotic fiction. Hopefully, something for everyone! I have also published a Sci-Fi series under the pen name of N.D. Shar, and plan to add to it.
My books are available in e-Book or paperback format worldwide on Amazon. If, for some reason, you struggle to download or buy a book, let me know and I’ll be glad to help you. You can send me an email via my website's contact page.
A bit more about me… I have been writing seriously since 2014. Back then I had a regular office job and only wrote in the evenings and at weekends. In 2016, I went freelance as a personal development coach and was able to write a bit more. Then, in 2019, I took a leap of faith and turned my passion for writing into a full-time job.
Things I love outside writing… Coffee! Running – usually five times a week. Meditation – every day. Reading – my favourite author is Patricia Cornwell.
If you like my books, please share, rate, and review. Even a one-line review on Amazon goes a long way for an indie author. Thank you all for reading and for your continued support. Nat x

“Strong storylines, great descriptions! The flow of story and the richness of the characters keeps you engaged from start to finish.”
​“Well-written and edited… I love all of this author’s books!”​
“There are a handful of authors whose books I read immediately on release; Natalie Debrabandere is one of them. Exciting, edge-of-your-seat reading… Strong military women who love women and rule the day!”​
“If you’re into kick-ass, tough female leaders, and a great storyline, you’re in luck! Loved the Contact Series. Perfect editing as well.”
​“With each book she’s written, Miss Debrabandere provides teachable moments, nuggets that I can use in living my own life. She does so in this book about addiction and always learning how to live a whole life. Highly recommend As Far As It Takes and all of this author’s books!”